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أدوات الموضوع البحث في الموضوع تقييم الموضوع
قديم 11/11/2006, 07:49 AM
الخرووووووصيه الخرووووووصيه غير متواجد حالياً
عضو نشيط
تاريخ الانضمام: 13/10/2006
الإقامة: دنيا بلاصاحب
المشاركات: 212
Post For third secondary??!!

(How to write a story)??

1- Use the past tens in writing stories.
2- ‘Set the scene’ for the story tell the details (e.g) where ‚and when the story happens!
Once upon atime Maha was walking in the garden……
3-Describe the character and the event .
4- Enrich your story by talking about your impression …. ـــــــــــــــــــــــــ ــــــــــــــــــ

(1)(Adiscribe the picture and use present continuous to describe action)!
* This picture shows…………….
*In this picture I can see………….
(2) Comment on the picture by giving advice !
*personally I think………….
*In my opinion…………….

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example for story
(NOTE); this a story surely is not true!!!

-AL KHROOOSIA was ahard working student . She lived in Suwaiq.She did her best to get high marks,but unfortunately she got (B) in all subject.AL KHROOSIA was very sad because she always wounted to join the university.Her parents were very sad ,then they advised “Why do not join the collge?”they said. Four years ago later AL KHROSIA graduated from the collge. Her parents wanted to start a career (job).On day she saw an advertisement in newspaper,it wae about teacher the blind children. AL KHROOSIA was avery helpful and hard working person,so she decided to apply for this jop. AL KHROOSIA had acours on using prill alphabet. She started her work after she finished the cours.I think it is very good to help people.It’s true that AL KHROOSIA’s jop is difficult,but i’sure is very happy with it!!
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(What do you do want to do in th nwxt five year)??

-(No one can deny that planning for the future is very important)!!
I have started to plan for my future.Iwil study hard to get high marks.Can you imagine how happy I will be when I join the university?!!. Nobody can. Iwil work hard at my university to i’ll get a nice jop after I graduate.Maby get married after that i’ll have children ..

*A LWAYS WORK HARD AND NEVER GIVUP* my grandmother used to tell me.
And I think i’ll follow her advice…
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** if any body want any things in third secondary please send me a message ??

[email protected] AL KHROOSIA

آخر تحرير بواسطة الخرووووووصيه : 11/11/2006 الساعة 08:52 AM
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