عرض المشاركة وحيدة
قديم 03/08/2004, 10:01 PM
La_gorda La_gorda غير متواجد حالياً
تاريخ الانضمام: 30/07/2004
المشاركات: 20
أرسل أصلا بواسطة ويلارد
هذا ما قلناه منذ البداية , الأسباب والحلول . وللأسف الجميع يرفض الفكرة ويصر على كون الموضوع فضائحيا فقط

It's the my last message to be posted in this rediculous frustrating issue. It has gone so far in anguishing and talking bullshitt about omani girls in general and the ones in Jordan in particular.

Unsurprisingly, my message won't change a bitt of the backward thinking and over judging mind. Sadly,The person who brought the subject up is deprived from ethics and morals, and no one seems to realize it. Instead; some cheered him up for his heartburn on the decency of omani women in this honorable nation. " YEA WHATEVA, LIKE HE GIVA DAMN". Others saluted him with stupid remarks.
As you mentioned brother Willard;
This issue could've been approached in an appropriate way WITHOUT messing with the girls' pride and nobalty.
I'm one of the girls who studies abroad, and I'm proud to have the opportunity to rise the dignity of Oman up high. Besides, after all of what have been said, I'm grateful to Allah that he gave me the chance to broaden my mind and see the world from a better vision. Even, if what was clamied is true, that means those girls misused their chances of exploring the advantages of being away from home.
"Stop the harrassment. Because it's definitely neither islamic nor healthy approach in discussing such sensitive and serious subject"
To the administrators,
Could you post a comment that would cutback these nonsense.